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Learn about Mesaj Group

Privacy Policy

On the Legal Information page, our commitment to your privacy is highlighted in the Privacy Policy section. Here we explain the stringent measures implemented to protect your personal information. Mesaj Group operates on the principles of transparency and accountability, and this policy serves as a comprehensive guide to how we collect, use and protect your data. Being aware of the importance of privacy in the digital age, we strive to clarify our practices to ensure your trust when entrusting your information to us. This policy reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data protection and compliance with legal regulations. As Mesaj Group, your privacy is not just a policy, it is a commitment that we fulfill meticulously.

Cookie Policy

Mesaj Group prioritizes transparency and user control in the field of online interaction. The Cookie Policy section on our Legal Information page explains our approach to managing cookies, which are small pieces of data that are effective in improving your online experience. This policy is designed to inform you about the types of cookies we use, the purposes they serve and your rights to manage them. As stewards of your digital journey, Mesaj Group is committed to ensuring your awareness and control over the information collected during your visit. Explore our Cookie Policy to understand how we are committed to providing digital transparency, respect for your privacy and a personalized and secure online experience.

Discover Mesaj Group's legal information with quick links.

Privacy Policy

Cookie Policy